India, Mother of Civilizations (Hindu – Mayan Relations)

History says it was Christopher Columbus who landed first in America. When Columbus landed in America he found a group of tribal people, whom he considered as the Indians as he was unfortunately believing that the land he landed upon was India. He called them as the Indians. But who where they? Where did they come from? Have any ships sailed across the Atlantic before the Columbus? A series of archeological and linguistic researches have been carried out by many scientists across the world to explore the early life of America. These researches put out many shocking relationships between the Ancient Mayan Civilization and South Indian Civilization in terms of their tradition, culture, religion, worship, language, architecture and astronomy. Dr Baron Robert Freiherr von Heine Geldern (1885 – 1968) and Gordon F. Ekholm (1909 – 1987) World’s leading anthropologists, have said: “Ships of size that carried Fa-Hien (399-414 AD) from India to China (through stormy China water) were ...