The Age of Load Shiva

Here is a calculation of age of lord shiva by some mythical stories. and you may also find other Hindu god ages at here. all are from some mythical stories..
Shivji,s age=7595 trillion years
Brahma Ji’s age —155 trillion year
720000 × 100 = 72000000 (seven crore twenty lakh) chaturyug
Vishnu Ji’s age is seven times that of Brahma —1085trillion years
72000000 × 7 = 504000000 (fifty crore forty lakh) chaturyug
Shiv Ji’s age is seven times that of Vishnu —7595 trillion years old
504000000 × 7 = 3528000000 (three arab 52 crore 80 lakh) chaturyug


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